
The International Valentin-Rathgeber-Society Oberelsbach e.V. tries to inform about life and work of Valentin Rathgeber via information brochures and specialist books. An own series called "musica buchonica" was created.

Musica Buchonica No. 3, Symposium Volume - On the Threshold of Classical Music

The 288 page strong volume "II. International ...

Sales price: 19,50 €
Total: 19,50 €
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Musica Buchonica No. 2, Symposium Volume - Rathgeber in Context

The volume "I. International Rathgeber-Symposium - ...

Sales price: 19,50 €
Total: 19,50 €
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B. and L. Stühlmeyer, Johann Valentin Rathgeber

The Benedictine priest Johann Valentin Rathgeber ...

Sales price: 14,90 €
Total: 14,90 €
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Musica Buchonica No. 1, Exhibition Catalogue

Catalogue for the wandering exhibition "Johann Valentin ...

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