Christmas Time

On the following pages you could find works by Rathgeber that are especially suited for Christmas time. Either the text of these compositions is liturgically connected to this festive season or Rathgeber established himself a connection like for the Mass "Verbum Caro factum est".

30 Piano Arias Opusculum 22 Volume II

30 short and easy music pieces for keyboards (organ, piano, ...

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Concerto Pastorello 24 - Transcription

This shorter concerto in D consists of three movements. It ...

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Concerto Pastorello 23 - Transcription

This shorter concerto in C consists of three movements. It ...

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Missa S. Gabrielis Archangeli

Missa S. Gabrielis Archangeli is a solemn mass for ...

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Hymn 04 - Jesu dulcis memoria

The hymn "Jesu dulcis memoria" is recommended for the feast ...

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Hymn 03 - Crudelis Herodes

The hymn "Crudelis Herodes" is recommended for the feast ...

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Hymn 02 - Jesu Redemptor omnium

The second hymn "Jesu Redemptor omnium" is recommended for ...

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Hymn 01 - Jesu Redemptor omnium

The first hymn "Jesu Redemptor omnium" is recommended for ...

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Concerto Pastorello 24

This shorter concerto in D consists of three movements. It ...

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Concerto Pastorello 23

This shorter concerto in C consists of three movements. It ...

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