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The complete compilation of the printed works of Rathgeber consists of 10662 (10650) pages, attributed to 28 (27) Opus in 254 (249) music sheets.

The numbers in brackets refer to compositions written directly by Rathgeber whereas the fourth part of the Tafelconfect can be attributed to Johann Caspar Seyfert.

Many thanks to all librarians who assisted us both non-materially and financially, namely:
Dr. sc.techn. H.-R. Binz (Solothurn/CH)
Sr. M. Clara Bobst (Sarnen/CH)
Stefan Dell'Olivo (Zürich/CH)
P Lukas Helg (Einsiedeln/CH)
P Roman Hofer (Engelberg/CH)
Dir. Terézia Kaššayová (Martin/SLK)
Dr. Marianne Luginbühl (Frauenfeld/CH)

The Team of the complete compilation:

Dr. Erasmus Gaß
Berthold Gaß
Stefan Gaß 

Part 1: Opus 1 - Opus 11

Op 1 1721 (21728) (R 295)
Title: Oktava musica clavium octo musicarum in Missis octo musicalibus
Dedication: Abbot Benedikt Lurz (Banz)
Content: 8 Masses (+ 2 Requien in 2nd edition)
Setting: C (48) A (48) T (48) B (48) Vl 1 (52) Vl 2 (52) Vc (58) O (62) = 416 pages

Op 2 1723 (R 296)
Title: Oktava musica clavium octo musicarum in Missis octo musicalibus
Dedication: Abbot Benedikt Lurz (Banz)
Content: 8 Masses (+ 2 Requien in 2nd edition)
Setting: C (48) A (48) T (48) B (48) Vl 1 (52) Vl 2 (52) Vc (58) O (62) = 416 pages

Op 3 1725 (21726) (R 297)
Title: Novena Principalis Constantiniana
Dedication: Abbot Constantin von Buttlar (Fulda)
Content: 8 Masses, 1 Requiem
Setting: C (68) A (68) T (68) B (68) Vl 1 (88) Vl 2 (88) Vc (86) O (90) TL 1 (34) TL 2 (34) = 692 pages

Op 4 1726 (R 299)
Title: Sacra anaphonesis viginti quatuor Offertoria
Dedication: Abbot Wilhelm Sölner (Ebrach)
Content: 24 Offertories
Setting: C (46) A (48) T (44) B (42) Vl 1 (60) Vl 2 (60) Vc (64) O (68) TL 1 (28) TL 2 (28) = 488 pages

Op 5 1727 (R 300)
Title: Harmonia Mariano-musica
Dedication: Queen of Heaven and Virgin Mary
Content: 6 Marian Litanies, 15 Antiphonies, 2 Te Deum, 2 Miserere
Setting: C (48) A (48) T (40) B (42) Vl 1 (60) Vl 2 (60) Vc (66) O (68) TL 1 (20) TL 2 (20) Ty (12) = 484 pages

Op 6 1728 (R 321)
Title: Chelys Sonora
Dedication: Councillor Johann Georg Franz Lurz (Bamberg/Mainz)
Content: 24 instrumental concertos
Setting: Vlp (74) Vl 1 (64) Vl 2 (62) Vc (50) O (54) CL 1 (20) CL 2 (16) = 340 pages

Op 7 1730 (R 301)
Title: Decas Mariano-musica
Dedication: Abbot Nikolaus Paccius (Trier)
Content: 10 Masses
Setting: C (64) A (64) T (64) B (64) Vl 1 (74) Vl 2 (74) Vc (76) O (80) CL 1 (32) CL 2 (32) = 624 pages

Op 8 1731 (R 302)
Title: Harmonia lugubris in refrigerium fidelium defunctorum conscripta
Dedication: Poor Souls in the Purgatory
Content: 6 Requien, 2 Libera me
Setting: C (38) A (38) T (38) B (38) Vl 1 (46) Vl 2 (46) Vc (52) O (54) L 1 (28) L 2 (28) AT (28) TT (28) BT (28) = 490 pages

Op 9 1732 (R 303)
Title: Psalmodia vespertina
Dedication: Earl Ernst of Montfort
Content: 4 Vespers, 5 Psalms, 1 Magnifikat, 1 Compline
Setting: C (50) A (48) T (48) B (48) Vl 1 (58) Vl 2 (58) Vc (60) O (64) C 1 (14) C 2 (14) Ty (14) = 476 pages

Op 10 1732 (R 304)
Title: Vox sonora decantans Arias XVI
Dedication: Abbot Alberich Beusch (Wettingen)
Content: 16 Solo Arias
Setting: C (34) Vl 1 (32) Vl 2 (32) Va (20) Vc (36) O (40) = 194 pages

Op 11 1732 (R 305)
Title: Columba sacra ad coelum gemens
Dedication: Abbot Ambrosius Müller (Pfäfers)
Content: 36 Hymns
Setting: C (44) A (38) T (36) B (36) Vl 1 (54) Vl 2 (54) Vc (52) O (56) TL 1 (30) TL 2 (30) = 430 pages

Part 2: Opus 12 - Opus 22

Op 12a 1733 (21743) (R 306)
Title: Missale tum rurale tum civile
Dedication: Parish Priest Dr iur utr Melchior Sauter (Wasserburg)
Content: 6 Masses, 2 Requien
Setting: C (40) A (42) T (24) B (36) Vl 1 (40) Vl 2 (40) Vc (42) O (44) TL 1 (16) TL 2 (16) = 340 pages

Op 12b 1733 (R 307)
Title: Missale tum rurale tum civile
Dedication: Provost Dr iur Anton Cajetan of Unertl (Habach)
Content: 6 Masses
Setting: C (38) A (38) T (30) B (36) Vl 1 (42) Vl 2 (42) Vc (46) O (50) TL 1 (16) TL 2 (16) = 354 pages

Op 13 1734 (R 308)
Title: Cithara Davidis poenitentis
Dedication: Abbot Maximilian Rest (Scheyern)
Content: 6 Miserere, 6 Tantum Ergo
Setting: C (38) A (38) T (36) B (38) Vl 1 (46) Vl 2 (46) Vc (54) O (58) L 1 AT (26) L 2 TT (24) BT (18) = 422 pages

Op 14a 1734 (R 309)
Title: Holocaustoma ecclesiasticum
Dedication: Abbot Anselm Godin (Regensburg)
Content: 20 Offertories, 6 Antiphonies
Setting: C (44) A (42) T (40) B (38) Vl 1 (48) Vl 2 (48) Vc (50) O (54) TL 1 (24) TL 2 (24) Ty (12) = 424 pages

Op 14b 1734 (R 310)
Title: Holocaustoma ecclesiasticum
Dedication: Abbot Joscio Hamberger (Niederaltaich)
Content: 20 Offertories, 6 Antiphonies
Setting: C (48) A (46) T (46) B (44) Vl 1 (56) Vl 2 (56) Vc (58) O (60) TL 1 (28) TL 2 (28) Ty (12) = 482 pages

Op 14c 1735 (R 311)
Title: Holocaustoma ecclesiasticum
Dedication: Abbot Berthold Dietmayr (Melk)/Abbot Robert Leeb (Heiligenkreuz/St. Gotthard)
Content: 20 Offertories, 6 Antiphonies, 3 Tenebrae
Setting: C (52) A (48) T (48) B (46) Vl 1 (58) Vl 2 (58) Vc (56) O (62) TL 1 (28) TL 2 (28) Ty (14) = 498 pages

Op 15 1735 (R 312)
Title: Dominicale complectens Offertoria
Dedication: Abbot Carl Fetzer (Wien)/Abbot Benedek Sajghó (Pannonhalma)
Content: 50 Offertories
Setting: C (46) A (46) T (46) B (46) Vl (42) Vc (50) O (52) AT (38) TT (38) = 404 pages

Op 16 1736 (R 313)
Title: Antiphonale Marianum
Dedication: Head of the Austrian Jesuit Province Franz Molindes (Wien)/Abbot Kilian Werlein (St. Lambrecht)
Content: 24 Antiphonies
Setting: C (22) A (22) T (22) B (22) Vl 1 (20) Vl 2 (20) Vc (22) O (30) = 180 pages

Op 17 1736 (R 314)
Title: Psalterium jucundum
Dedication: Ernst Baron of Girardi (Mariazell)
Content: 4 Vespers, 5 Psalms
Setting: C (40) A (36) T (32) B (38) Vl 1 (40) Vl 2 (40) Vc (40) O (44) C 1 (12) C 2 (12) Ty (12) = 346 pages

Op 18 1736 (R 315)
Title: Cultus Marianus
Dedication: none
Content: 6 Lauretanian Litanies
Setting: C (22) A (20) T (18) B (20) Vl 1 (22) Vl 2 (22) Vc (22) O (20) ClC 1 (8) ClC 2 (8) Ty (8) = 190 pages

Op 19 1738 (R 316)
Title: Sacrarium quadriforme
Dedication: Abbot Gregor Stumm (Banz)
Content: 4 Masses
Setting: C (42) A (42) T (38) B (38) rC (36) rA (36) rT (34) rB (34) Vl 1 (60) Vl 2 (60) Vc (60) O (64) Cl 1 (28) Cl 2 (28) AT (30) TT (30) Ty (14) = 674 pages

Op 20 1739 (R 317)
Title: Hortus noviter exstructus germinans flores novos
Dedication: none
Content: 30 Offertories
Setting: C (48) A (50) T (46) B (46) Vl 1 (42) Vl 2 (42) Vc (52) O (52) = 378  pages

Op 22 1743 (21750) (R 322)
Title: Musicalischer Zeit-Vertreib auf dem Clavier
Dedication: none
Content: 60 Piano Arias
Setting: O (124) = 124 pages

Part 3: Tafelconfect

1733 (R 318)
Title: Ohren-vergnügendes und Gemüth-ergötzendes Tafel-Confect
Dedication: none
Content: 12 Pieces
Setting: C 2 (60) C 2 (36) B (32) O (28) = 156 pages

1737 (R 319)
Title: Andere Tracht Des Ohren-vergnügenden und Gemüth-ergötzenden Tafel-Confects
Dedication: none
Content: 12 Pieces
Setting: C (40) C / A / Vl 1 (22) T / Vl 2 (22) B (36) O (40) = 160 pages

1739 (R 320)
Title: Dritte Tracht Des Ohren-vergnügenden und Gemüth-ergötzenden Tafel-Confects
Dedication: none
Content: 15 Pieces
Setting: C (44) C / A / Vl 1 (30) T / Vl 2 (22) B (16) O (38) = 134 pages

1746 (Johann Caspar Seyfert)
Title: Vierte Tracht des Ohren-vergnügenden und Gemüth-ergötzenden Tafel-Confects
Dedication: none
Content: 12 Pieces
Setting: C (28) A / Vl 2 (26) T (32) B / Vl 1 (32) O (38) = 156 pages

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