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Part 1: Opus 1 - Opus 11

Op 1 1721 (21728) (R 295)
Title: Oktava musica clavium octo musicarum in Missis octo musicalibus
Dedication: Abbot Benedikt Lurz (Banz)
Content: 8 Masses (+ 2 Requien in 2nd edition)
Setting: C (48) A (48) T (48) B (48) Vl 1 (52) Vl 2 (52) Vc (58) O (62) = 416 pages

Op 2 1723 (R 296)
Title: Oktava musica clavium octo musicarum in Missis octo musicalibus
Dedication: Abbot Benedikt Lurz (Banz)
Content: 8 Masses (+ 2 Requien in 2nd edition)
Setting: C (48) A (48) T (48) B (48) Vl 1 (52) Vl 2 (52) Vc (58) O (62) = 416 pages

Op 3 1725 (21726) (R 297)
Title: Novena Principalis Constantiniana
Dedication: Abbot Constantin von Buttlar (Fulda)
Content: 8 Masses, 1 Requiem
Setting: C (68) A (68) T (68) B (68) Vl 1 (88) Vl 2 (88) Vc (86) O (90) TL 1 (34) TL 2 (34) = 692 pages

Op 4 1726 (R 299)
Title: Sacra anaphonesis viginti quatuor Offertoria
Dedication: Abbot Wilhelm Sölner (Ebrach)
Content: 24 Offertories
Setting: C (46) A (48) T (44) B (42) Vl 1 (60) Vl 2 (60) Vc (64) O (68) TL 1 (28) TL 2 (28) = 488 pages

Op 5 1727 (R 300)
Title: Harmonia Mariano-musica
Dedication: Queen of Heaven and Virgin Mary
Content: 6 Marian Litanies, 15 Antiphonies, 2 Te Deum, 2 Miserere
Setting: C (48) A (48) T (40) B (42) Vl 1 (60) Vl 2 (60) Vc (66) O (68) TL 1 (20) TL 2 (20) Ty (12) = 484 pages

Op 6 1728 (R 321)
Title: Chelys Sonora
Dedication: Councillor Johann Georg Franz Lurz (Bamberg/Mainz)
Content: 24 instrumental concertos
Setting: Vlp (74) Vl 1 (64) Vl 2 (62) Vc (50) O (54) CL 1 (20) CL 2 (16) = 340 pages

Op 7 1730 (R 301)
Title: Decas Mariano-musica
Dedication: Abbot Nikolaus Paccius (Trier)
Content: 10 Masses
Setting: C (64) A (64) T (64) B (64) Vl 1 (74) Vl 2 (74) Vc (76) O (80) CL 1 (32) CL 2 (32) = 624 pages

Op 8 1731 (R 302)
Title: Harmonia lugubris in refrigerium fidelium defunctorum conscripta
Dedication: Poor Souls in the Purgatory
Content: 6 Requien, 2 Libera me
Setting: C (38) A (38) T (38) B (38) Vl 1 (46) Vl 2 (46) Vc (52) O (54) L 1 (28) L 2 (28) AT (28) TT (28) BT (28) = 490 pages

Op 9 1732 (R 303)
Title: Psalmodia vespertina
Dedication: Earl Ernst of Montfort
Content: 4 Vespers, 5 Psalms, 1 Magnifikat, 1 Compline
Setting: C (50) A (48) T (48) B (48) Vl 1 (58) Vl 2 (58) Vc (60) O (64) C 1 (14) C 2 (14) Ty (14) = 476 pages

Op 10 1732 (R 304)
Title: Vox sonora decantans Arias XVI
Dedication: Abbot Alberich Beusch (Wettingen)
Content: 16 Solo Arias
Setting: C (34) Vl 1 (32) Vl 2 (32) Va (20) Vc (36) O (40) = 194 pages

Op 11 1732 (R 305)
Title: Columba sacra ad coelum gemens
Dedication: Abbot Ambrosius Müller (Pfäfers)
Content: 36 Hymns
Setting: C (44) A (38) T (36) B (36) Vl 1 (54) Vl 2 (54) Vc (52) O (56) TL 1 (30) TL 2 (30) = 430 pages

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